On Windows, with NTLM authentication enabled, sending a SMTP NTLM authentication request with null credentials will cause the remote service to respond with a NTLMSSP message disclosing information to include NetBIOS, DNS, and OS build version.
HELO Identify to the SMTP server.
EHLO Alternative HELO for Extended SMTP protocol.
MAIL FROM: Sender's email address.
RCPT TO: Recipient's email address.
DATA Initiate message content transfer. Command is terminated with a line containing only a .
RSET Reset the session. Connection will not be closed.
VRFY Verify username or mailbox.
NOOP No-op. Keeps connection open.
QUIT Ends session.
Note: Sessions must start with HELO and end with QUIT.
Configuration files
The following Python script opens a TCP socket, connects to the SMTP server, and issues a VRFY command for a given username:
#!/usr/bin/pythonimport socketimport sysiflen(sys.argv)!=2:print"Usage: vrfy.py <username>" sys.exit(0)# Create a Sockets = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)# Connect to the Serverconnect = s.connect(('',25))# Receive the bannerbanner = s.recv(1024)print banner# VRFY a users.send('VRFY '+ sys.argv[1] +'\r\n')result = s.recv(1024)print result# Close the sockets.close()